quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

Angry Birds Friends

Bem legal. Este nível é jogável no próprio blog. Clique no local adequado para jogar o jogo inteiro contra seus amigos no Facebook.

quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013

Ha, just now learning to embed non-Youtube videos on here. Anyway, John Oliver is doing a great job sitting in for Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, so enjoy last night's episode right from your least favorite blog.

domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013

Alex Medaway has left the building now the number six website in the world

Alexa.org shows an amazing spike in the number of hits at Alexmedawayhasleftthebuilding.blogspot in the month of February. The website reached 350 million unique users over only the past 23 days, for a whopping 1,75 billion percent increase - arguably making it the most popular thing ever. 

But not all is roses. Forbes points out the website still struggles trying to keep users engaged for more than four seconds (supposedly the time it takes for them to realize their cat typed the name of the website upon jumping on the keyboard).