sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

The easiest, cheapest, best thing you can do for your health, no matter when, no matter what, always

Disclaimer: I do not have a degree on nutrition or anything like that. I have, however, read the undisputed science on this, and this shit is really not rocket science.

So, let's just get this out of the way, that by doing some simple math I found that you can get almost all the nutrients you need for a day by eating a can of sardines, 100g  of spinach, and 30 to 100g of peanuts (this is variable because peanuts are loaded with calories, so don't eat a lot if you have trouble controlling your weight). Just go to nutritiondata.self and do the math yourself. If you ate nothing but these 3 things for the rest of your life you would never have a vitamin defficiency. In fact this might have saved the life of a few models, who died not just because they were not getting enough energy, but because they ate like only lettuce and diet coke, without watching out for whether they were getting vitamins. But anyway.

Now, what I'm saying is, depending on how your day goes, where you work, how much you've eaten, etc., eating these 3 foods may not be convenient, or maybe you will get fucking sick of eating sardines every day, and you want steak this time - I get it. Or maybe you're a little sick at home and have two pizzas in the fridge and end up eating them both, and then you can't really eat peanuts without overstepping your daily calorie allotment.

But what you can always do is have spinach in the fridge, and boil it to kill potential e. coli, and just swallow that shit up - close your eyes if you have to, it's just a second. Wash it down with whatever horrible sugary or alcoholic drink you're having, but just do it. I don't know about out there, but here in Brazil spinach costs USD 0.50 for a week or two's worth. So shut up, don't think about it. There are no excuses and there will never be. Here is what you find about spinach on that website I mentioned:

Spinach has no calories, no sugar, no fat, it's anti-inflammatory and packed with vitamins and minerals. There is no sensible diet that outlaws it. Just look at those numbers for yourself. Just do it, hide it in a sandwich, whatever.

Vegetables are not all the same. Just look at the numbers for some other vegetables and you'll see what I mean. Spinach is quite special in that it has high doses of some essential nutrients, and it's like free! Come on now. Look at how ridiculous an apple looks next to spinach:

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